Collaboration with Milena Bühring & Lisa Kaschubat
ECTORIDERS revolves around Mimi, a late-night saleswoman, Kay, a businesswoman, and Yv, a programmer, who find themselves in an endless game show due to unexplained circumstances. In a futuristic cab, they are led into parallel universes and have encounters that raise questions about solidarity and parenthood in a heteronormative, patriarchal, and capitalist society. Drawing on various feminist movements as well as personal experiences, the film combines aesthetic strategies from pop culture, commercial film, and media art. The video work is shown together with the prop of the cab, in which viewers sit in the seats of the three main characters. Within the immersive experience, levels of fiction and reality intertwine, allowing the audience to position themselves in relation to the film.
2022, single channel full HD video installation (20:00min)
installation view: Rundgang and graduation show 2022 at UdK Berlin